Greenworld is the Hyplast's exclusive agent in Thailand Available size

Width : 2.75m,10m,10m,12m, 14m, 16m

Length : 50 meters/roll

The most important properties of our Greenhouse films are:



The addition of mineral fillers or co-polymers like EVA reduce longwave infra-red radiation (heat) leaving the greenhouse. Slower cooling under thermic films keeps heating costs down.



Light transmission is an important property of greenhouse film. It is however of equal importance to make a difference between direct and indirect or diffused light. Too much direct light can have a harmful influence on plant growth, especially in regions with intense sunlight. Addition of mineral fillers results in a broader and more equal light dispersion. This diffused light reduces the stress and has a positive influence on the plant growth.



Condensation drops are blocking a part of the (PAR) light (up to 15%) and can also damage the plants. By adding special additives, the condensation on the film will form a thin water layer that is drained off to the side of the greenhouse/tunnel. Result: more light in the greenhouse.


UV-blocking / Anti-Petal Blackening

Ultraviolet radiation doesn’t always contribute to plant growth, but can in some cases cause damage to the crop. By adding special additives that block the UV-light, this radiation cannot enter the greenhouse. Thanks to UV-blocking, the so-called ‘petal blackening’ of roses is avoided.


Cooling effect

Plants don’t need all frequencies of solar energy. Some radiation frequencies like the Near Infra-red (NIR) only provide heat. Especially in hot climates it can be very useful to block this irradiation heat as much as possible in order to avoid overheating and evaporation in the greenhouse. By using special interference pigments (Hyplast patent), Hyplast is able to present films that selectively reflect certain wavelengths: blocking irradiation heat as much as possible and transmitting the PAR-light. Thanks to this technology, it is often no longer necessary to ‘whiten’ the greenhouse or to use screens.


Anti-dust action

Extra smooth film avoids dust sticking too much to the film. Result: higher light transmission. A smooth film surface also facilitates cleaning.


Resistance against pesticides

Pesticides, especially sulphur and chlorine, containing ‘reacting agents’ can have a very negative influence on the lifetime of a film. The use of specific protective additives help to control these influences. Nevertheless, the use of pesticides in combination with PE films has to be avoided as much as possible, as pesticides will accelerate aging of the film when used in high concentrations.


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